What is capitalism?
It defines the concept of capitalism as an economic system,
where the capital takes precedence over the work and is the basis of wealth.
Within this scheme, the private property and free trade are two elementary
bases. The word "Capitalism", began to be used in the nineteenth
century by Marx.
The three actors of capitalism
Within this system, those who participate in the market are
driven by self-interest. We can distinguish three actors within the market.
1. On one hand the capitalists, i.e.
those who own the means of production, that seek to maximize their profits from
the increase in production.
2. On the other hand are the
proletariat, i.e. workers, that are those who work the means of production and
receive a salary in return, that is to say that they sell their labor power.
3. The third actor that can be
mentioned is the consumer, who buys the goods and services, based on the
cost/benefit ratio, seeking also to minimise their costs and increased profits.
After the fall of the feudal economic system in Europe
emerges the capitalist system. Must be two prominent historical milestones that
helped the consolidation of the system as such, on the one hand from an
ideological point of view the French Revolution, and from an economic point of
view, the Industrial Revolution.
Modern day Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country's trade and
industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
It is the social system which now countries use around the world. This systems
popularity has been running based on its efficiency and industrialization of
transporting and producing food. These distributing companies are owned by a
small minority of the people. We refer to this group of people as the capitalist
The working class are paid to
produce food and packaging. The capitalist live off of the profits they make by
exploiting the working class whilst reinvesting some
of their profits for the further accumulation of wealth.
This is what we mean when we say there are two
classes in society. It is a claim based upon simple facts about the society we
live in today. This class division is the essential feature of capitalism. It
may be popular to talk (usually vaguely) about various other 'classes' existing
such as the 'middle class', but it is the two classes defined here that are the
key to understanding capitalism.
The system of exploiting the working class making
the riche richer has been going on for about 500 years. The system is mainly
based on the economical and political gain of the wealthy few.
Political economsits, and historians have taken different perspectives in their analysis of
capitalism and recognized various forms of it in practice. These include laissez-faire or market capitalism, welfare capitalism, crony capitalism, corporatism, "third way" social democracy and state capitalism. Each model has employed varying degrees of
dependency on free markets, public ownership, obstacles to free competition,
and inclusion of state-sanctioned social policies.
Gabriela Cadavid
Dana Tejada
Gabriella Reyes
Julian Roldan
capitalismo. (n.d.) Diccionario Manual de la Lengua
Española Vox. (2007). Retrieved May 16 2015 from http://es.thefreedictionary.com/capitalismo
Muy buen articulo faltan imágenes y color
ReplyDeleteel articulo tiene muy buena información pero me parece que esta mal redactado y podría estar mas organizado