Tuesday, May 26, 2015


A tax system is the collection of taxes which they use for the support of public expenditure , as the needs of society in general.The taxes are imposed unilaterally and monetary obligations required by the government, everyone has an obligation to these as it is a law demanded for all whether they are greater resources or fewer resources.A tax system meets certain requirements to be a tax structure . A tax system should be designed to meet the following objectives:• You must enable the objectives of fiscal policy ( maximum equity, less interference in the allocation of resources in the economy and promote stability and economic growth ) .• Minimize system costs , whether incurred by the taxpayer and the tax administration ( the state organization dedicated to the collection and tax control)

changes in colombia

Colombian society has experienced many changes, not only in this system, but whether about tax collection in the country lived, some of these were:
First changes in the taxation systems in Colombia were evident in changing the tax structure, this was in the Congress of Cucuta 1821, there income tax was created, created by the Minister of Finance, during the Government of Simon Bolivar in this collection was started by owning land.
Shortly thereafter in 1918 this tax was established, and was fundamental to implement tax reform in Colombia, where the minister Esteban Jaramillo said that this tax served as a financial and social ideal.
The country at this time was determined to get more resources and reforms in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century pointed to this, about 100 years ago in the government of José Moroccan Manuel where this attempt to increase the tax on snuff, the cigarette and matches.
According to information from the Ministry of Finance documents, these are the changes that have occurred in each of the modifications made by various governments through tax reforms.

how to fix it?
the biggest problem is that in colombia all the taxe go to the piliticals and not for the countrie, if colombia chage that, this will be a better countrie, the only way to fix that is to change the politicals and have more comitted people who work on change the countrie in a good way

martin trujillo
mariana soto
mariana ochoa 
jose miguel salazar 


  1. Muy creativo e información clara pero no concreta. En vez de escribir como solucionarlo pudieron haber puesto por qué se cobraban estos impuestos y por qué se cobran hoy siglo XXI

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  5. como sugerencia podria poner al final como un vocabulario con conceptos raros o muy importantes para entender lo que quieren decir ya que si uno interpreta mal una palabra el contexto puede parar
