Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Durante la guerra de los liberales y consevadores en Colombia. Mas el 70% de la poblacion de Colombia vivia en el campo. Cuando el veredicto de los consevadores como lideres y ganadores de esta guerra (Rafael reyes 1909 hasta Fidel Suarez 1921) se empezo a modernizar el pais.

Se resolvio temporalmente la crisis economica

Las ventas del cafe incrementaron y eso genero un gran ingreso para el pais.

Las empresas pretroleras Estadounidenses entraron al pais.

La iglesia influia en las decisiones del gobierno

Las personas del campo pasaron a vivir a la ciudad.

Panama se separo del pais.

Despues de un gran tiempo, la educacion a su paso va mejorando, la iglesia dejo de participar con el gobierno, incrementos en la inversion extranjera e indemnizacion por las consecuencias de la separacion de Panama.

The first radio emissions took place in 1912. One of the reasons for the creation of the radio was the communication difficulties when the Titanic sank the same year of the creation of the radio. The Titanic tried to communicate throughout three days without approaching to an answer from any of the nearest ports. Once the accident happened, there was a discussion in all countries about the regulation of the radio emissions, all of these for a more efficient communication. The country that advanced the fastest was The United States.
The radio that we actually know was created in 1922. The goal was to advertise the market of United States and Europe. After a while some stories were transmitted and had a very good reception
The necessary equipment for the transmission was very expensive so Colombia couldn’t get it. This was because Colombia exported tree or four products which didn´t improve the economy of the economy. Towards the end of the XIX century, the coffee arrived to Colombia. Here it had definite incomes, which allowed the country to work on projects necessary for the country, during this time that the radio started in Colombia.
When TV arrived it was thought that the radio was going to end, but this didn´t happened. Instead the radio improved, and became stronger. It was the company of many workers, and of many people. It had and still has the ability to gather people around the same new of any happening.
The first commercial radio channel in the country was created in 1931 by the president Miguel Abadía Méndez. Since then many radio channels were born, with them some rules were created.
The radio was a tool that helped Colombia modernize with more technology, but also informing many citizens what was happening in the country, and since then became company for many chores.
Pareja. Reynaldo, Faus Belau. Ángel. Historia de la Radio. Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango. N.d. Web. Abril 2015.
Orlando Melo. Melo. Colombia es un Tema. 2015. Web. Abril 2015.
N.p. Radioteca. Señal Memoria. 2015. Web. Abril 2015.
Franco Crespo. Juan. Radioblog. N.d. Web. Abril 2015.


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  4. excelente trabajo se nota la dedicación que le pusieron, organizado y explicaron muy bien
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